Swiss Re Shareholders Overwhelmingly Approve Motions at Annual General Meeting
Swiss Re Shareholders Overwhelmingly Approve Motions at Annual General Meeting
At Swiss Re's Annual General Meeting (AGM) held today, shareholders gave their stamp of approval to all motions proposed by the Board of Directors. Key decisions included:

  • Approval of an ordinary dividend of USD 6.80 per share
  • Election of Jacques de Vaucleroy as the new Chairman of the Board of Directors for a one-year term
  • Re-election of all proposed Board members for a one-year term
  • Election of Geraldine Matchett as a new Board member for a one-year term

Dividend Distribution

Shareholders, with a resounding majority of 99.26% of votes cast, endorsed the Board’s proposal to distribute an ordinary dividend of USD 6.80 per share for the 2023 financial year. This decision reflects Swiss Re’s robust capital position and prioritization of capital management. The dividend, sourced from voluntary profit reserves, will commence distribution on April 18, 2024. Notably, Swiss Re shares will be traded ex-dividend from April 16, 2024.

Board of Directors Elections

Jacques de Vaucleroy’s re-election as a Board member and his subsequent election as Chairman for a one-year term garnered shareholder approval. In his statement, newly appointed Chairman Jacques de Vaucleroy expressed gratitude for the support and trust of shareholders, emphasizing his commitment to advancing Swiss Re’s profitability and enhancing shareholder returns. Additionally, all other proposed Board members were re-elected for a one-year term, with Geraldine Matchett elected as a new member for the same duration.

Compensation Approval

Shareholders endorsed the maximum aggregate compensation for Board members until the completion of the 2025 AGM with 83.16% of votes cast. Furthermore, they approved the variable short-term compensation for the Group Executive Committee for the 2023 financial year with 93.51% of votes cast. The maximum aggregate fixed compensation and variable long-term compensation for the Group Executive Committee for the 2025 financial year also received approval with 83.69% of votes.

In a consultative vote, the shareholders supported the 2023 Compensation Report with 90.45% of votes cast.

Additional Motions and Information

Other motions approved at the AGM included the company’s Annual Report (including the Management Report) and the annual and consolidated financial statements for the 2023 financial year, as well as the Sustainability Report 2023 in a consultative vote. Shareholders discharged all Board members for the last financial year.

Detailed voting results and AGM minutes will be accessible on Swiss Re’s website. Additionally, a replay of the AGM and speeches by the Chairman and Group CEO will be available for viewing on the website.

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