Fisher Asset Management Reveals New Acquisition in Resideo Technologies
Fisher Asset Management Reveals New Acquisition in Resideo Technologies
Fisher Asset Management Reveals New Acquisition in Resideo Technologies, Inc. as reported to the Securities & Exchange Commission.

Fisher Asset Management LLC has disclosed their latest acquisition of a new position in Resideo Technologies, Inc. (NYSE:REZI), as reported to the Securities & Exchange Commission.

The institutional investor has purchased 386,401 shares of the company’s stock, valued at approximately $6,356,000. With this acquisition, Fisher Asset Management LLC now owns about 0.26% of Resideo Technologies.

Resideo Technologies is a renowned manufacturer and developer of technology-driven products and components that offer solutions for crucial aspects such as comfort control, energy management, safety, and security. With its two operational segments – Products and Solutions and ADI Global Distribution – the company holistically caters to its clients’ needs by providing them with a diverse range of home-related lifestyle convenience solutions.

Resideo provides advance home security and intelligent IoT solutions

The Products and Solutions segment encompasses an array of advanced temperature and humidity control systems along with energy-efficiency tools making it possible for homeowners to manage their energy intelligently. Additionally, the segment leverages high-tech water and air monitoring tools to ensure purity while also incorporating smoke and carbon detection units for enhanced safety measures.

In terms of security measures, Resideo Technologies takes pride in offering advanced home security panels replete with cutting-edge sensors as well as other peripherals that bolster overall protection coverage. The video cameras are linked via cloud infrastructure allowing constant vigilance inside your premises from any location alongside related software for superior installation.

As per the latest figures provided by the NYSE market on Wednesday with stocks opening at $17.23; Resideo Technologies currently boasts a market cap valuation of $2.53 billion coupled with a debt to equity ratio valued at 0.56. Bearing testimony to years’ worth of service excellence upheld by the brand; the firm enjoys a stable 50-day simple moving average valued at $17.91 alongside its equally reliable 200-day moving average value set at $17.95.

Resideo Tech. has a firm foothold in the industry and has successfully cemented its position as an industrial leader by adopting progressive measures to raise industry bar. Its services have stood the test of time, making them sought-after across regions globally. The acquisition of shares by Fisher Asset Management thus signifies Resideo Tech.’s proven track record of delivering world-class products that instil comfort, reliability and peace of mind in homeowners while always striving for constant innovation in advancement.

Join Resideo’s experts in New York at ITI USA 2023

To find out more about Resideo’s latest strategies and innovations, visit their stand and talk to their experts at Insurtech Insights USA 2023 on June 7th and 8th, at the Javits Center in New York. To find out more, click here

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